Our next talk: Thursday, 6th March 2025 Portable Antiquities Scheme by Dr Lisa Brundle

Stamford Local History Society
CARMEN NUPTIALE On the Marriage of Lord and Lady Burghley, September 7th 1875
Submitted By Chris Hunt
Our Church bells loud are ringing,
Our Streets with garlands gay,
For Burghley’s Heir to Burghley
His Bride’s brings home to-day;
One more bright link is added
To that ancestral chain,
Which binds the heart of Stamford
To Cecil’s old domain.
Then let this prayer of welcome
Resound on every side:
“God bless the Heir of Burghley,”
“And bless his youthful Bride.”
The Whichcote’s witching glances
Have charmed her Soldier’s heart,
And Mars, as erst, to Venus,
Hath played the Captive’s part;
But now, in turn, the Captives
His Captor holds in thrall,
And thrones her as his consort
In Burghley’s lordly Hall.
May Heaven send brightest sunshine
To gild their onward way,
And smile upon their future,
As it has smiled today;
Should clouds o’ercast that sunshine
With shadows from above,
May they sustain each sorrow
Strong in each other’s love.
In Bride and noble Bridegroom,
May all delight to trace
His Father’s kindly virtues,
His Mother’s winning grace;
So shall the House of Burghley
Support its ancient fame,
And pass to future ages
Its old and honour’d name.
Then let the prayer of welcome
Re-echo far and wide,
“God bless the Heir of Burghley.”
“And bless his youthful Bride.”
A.R.W. (author unknown)
An Undated Newspaper Cutting inserted in a book owned by Justin Simpson.
A print version can be downloaded HERE