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Submitted by Chris Hunt

The Mormons.- This sect (‘Latter-day Saints’ as they call themselves) have taken the room lately occupied by the Wesleyans in Gas Lane, Stamford, for the purpose of giving lectures every Sunday. It was opened on the 20th ult. (October 20th 1850), with a speech by an American elder, and last Sunday two men, one a labourer named Grice, from a village in the neighbourhood, addressed the congregation, consisting of about 20 persons including children. One of them spoke at great length on baptismal regeneration; and from the arguments used, it might be supposed that he had just come from the hands of Bishop Philpot (Strict Baptist – North Street Chapel, Stamford), had he not said that the world had been without successors to the Apostles for several hundred years, until an Angel appeared to Joe Smith, and made a revelation to him, and now the Latter-day Saints had the same power as St Peter, to admit into heaven all who believe and are baptised in their faith.

Source Stamford Mercury November 1st 1850 p3/c2


In 1851 the Church of Latter Day Saints’ was recorded in the Census of Religious Worship.


GAS LANE LATTER DAY SAINTS’ CHAPEL 1851. Parish of St. George.

Erected about the year 1836. Separate and entire building. Used exclusively as a place of worship. Free sittings 14. On 30th March (1851). In afternoon General Congregation 14. In evening General Congregation 17.

Signed Henry Wilson, Elder. Larton (Laxton) Court, St Leonard’s Street.


Source Lincolnshire Returns of the Census of Religious Worship 1851. Edited by R.W.Ambler, M.A.

Published by the Lincoln Record Society Volume 72 (1979) page 4.


Note Below Henry Wilson was born in Castle Bytham on May 9th 1809 and died on July12th 1882 and is buried in Salt Lake City Cemetery, Utah, USA. He was a baker and confectioner and was still living in St Leonard’s Street in 1861 with his wife Mary Ann Wilson.

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